Archive for March, 2011

dinosaur ridge

Posted on March 26th, 2011 by mountain girl  |  2 Comments »

One very cool place that is only a couple of miles from our home is Dinosaur Ridge. It’s comprised of a little welcome center and gift shop, a small museum, and a great big ridge. (Above, you can see the ridge going around the left side of the mountain). The gift shop and museum are […]

pirates, primates, and prehistoric pigs

Posted on March 21st, 2011 by mountain girl  |  3 Comments »

One of the places we visited when Caleb was here was the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. We’ve been there a few times with Zia, and it’s such a cool place. This time, along with seeing the regular museum rooms, we got tickets to the special exhibit: Pirates. It was the story of the […]

made by caleb

Posted on March 18th, 2011 by mountain girl  |  6 Comments »

As you can see, we put the boy to work as soon as he arrived. He made this sweet blanket to keep the Air force dad nice and cozy. Hemming it on all four sides was a big project that took all morning, and it went straight to David’s desk chair to cover the otherwise cold […]

he’s here

Posted on March 16th, 2011 by mountain girl  |  2 Comments »

After a wait that seemed to last forever, spring break is here…and with it, Caleb. David’s boy is 10 now, soon to be 11, and he’s grown so big since we last saw him. We went to pick him up last weekend, and have been having a blast since he’s been here. In all my […]

flip ‘n dip

Posted on March 11th, 2011 by mountain girl  |  Comments Off on flip ‘n dip

Zia took her first class ever! For the “flip” (gymnastics) part, she and the other 5 preschoolers did stretching, tumbling, jumping, crawling, swinging, flips, balance beams, and a little rhythm. She had a blast…and she liked the “dip” part even better. It combined some really basic swimming skills with water play, and she jumped right […]

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