Archive for the ‘knitting’ Category

happy new year!

Posted on January 1st, 2017 by mountain girl  |  12 Comments »

Just a few pics from the turn of the year. We bid farewell to 2016 with a beautiful 62-degree day in Boulder that was so, so wonderful. This week brings more snow, the beginning of school again, and the end of David’s work vacation. No pics of him, and too many of the rest of […]

teo hat

Posted on February 12th, 2013 by mountain girl  |  5 Comments »

Over the weekend I got out out my needles and cast on for the first time post-baby.  Cash was long overdue for a new hat–lately it’s been a tight squeeze to fit him into the little brown one I knit for him when I first found out I was pregnant. I’ve had my eye on […]

for sarah’s baby

Posted on August 20th, 2012 by mountain girl  |  3 Comments »

My baby sister is having a baby! Sarah’s little girl is due in early November–the 4th in our tribe of little cousins. I couldn’t make her shower Saturday (since it was on the other side of the country) but I sent this little hat and sweater. Hopefully it will help keep baby girl cozy during […]

a bear for zia

Posted on May 19th, 2012 by mountain girl  |  2 Comments »

With all the baby preparations going on around here, Zia has been excited, helpful, and very patient. But when I finished this little bear, she said, “Mamma, do you think I could have this bear, and we could make another one for the baby? Yes, I think we could do that. Already the bear has […]

hooded baby blanket

Posted on April 18th, 2012 by mountain girl  |  10 Comments »

Early last week I found myself with 3 skeins of eucalyptus green cotton yarn. Hmm…3 skeins can make something bigger than a hat or a little sweater. I did a little searching online and found this: a hooded baby blanket. So I used the eucalyptus, edged it with a skein of creamy cotton I found […]