We went to this little free harvest carnival at CCU yesterday. The kids got lots of candy (mostly to sell to the dentist) and there were bouncy houses, tractor pull rides, ponies, cotton candy, sno cones, popcorn, and ring-toss types of games which they played over and over. Caleb and Lauryn came too, but they wandered off to eat candy under the trees and I somehow missed getting any pics of them. After the carnival, we stopped by Vitamin Cottage for a gluten-free tasting fair, where the wheat-less ones among us had their pick of wheat-free treats. (We all did, actually–the food was pretty yummy, except for some pretzels which even the dog wouldn’t eat.)

Thursday there was a costume parade at school that Cave Girl was really excited about. The kids all made a gooey slime craft and ate interesting parent-made snacks–which to me looked a little less than trustworthy. The costumes were really funny and some were a little freaky. There is just something about painted-on bloody noses, dripping fangs, and dangling eyeballs that I will do my darnedest to steer my kids clear of for as long as I can, although Zia is already enamored by such atrocities.

We brought Iron Man, and though he loved the pink slime and sticker crafts, he wouldn’t walk in the parade and we ended up carrying him through the halls lined with cheering parents, since he was completely freaked out by the other costumes and wailing his head off. Good times. I’m sure the other parents thought David was in some kind of costume with his hat and boots, haha. Bad Cowboy Captures Small Heroic Screaming Iron Man.

We managed to avoid the real Haunted Halloween school night and the neighborhood trick-or-treating, due to some fancy footwork on my part in making deals to swap those out for petting zoos, hay rides, and harvest carnivals. Good job, Mama. Sometimes you just gotta congratulate yourself when the rest of the world raises a puzzled eyebrow. 😉
Besides all that trauma fun, we’re loving our now-dirt-christened truck, romping it up and down the highways and watching small cars scurry out of the way. We just finished Zia’s lengthy science fair project on rotting fruit, we’re nursing a couple of very sore throats, and my theology is being shaken and reshaped by Rich Mullins’ The Jesus Demos, which are rough, fuzzy, and out of tune, since he died suddenly when they were in formation stage. He told close friends they would be his greatest work yet, and if you stop to listen long enough, I believe they are. I can’t seem to get enough–his songs fascinate me with an understanding of God that I think many good Christians never quite get. I want that understanding, badly. I also really liked the movie Ragamuffin, which tells his life story.
Next up: new beetle kill art!