{this moment}

Posted on December 19th, 2014 by mountain girl  |  5 Comments »

Linking up with SouleMama…a moment from our week.


5 Responses to “{this moment}”

  1. appleshoe says on :

    LOL! I was not expecting this picture and it made me smile.

  2. Yanic says on :

    Wow! Gorgeous!!!! Do you have them in the wild around your place? My daughter would flip out!

  3. mountain girl says on :

    Yes, he was down the road grazing with a herd of about 20. We don’t get to see them close up often, since they are usually kind of shy.

  4. Shel says on :


    Our moment comes from our Saint Lucia celebration last Saturday!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  5. Your Lion says on :

    FEE FI FO FUM!!!! /:O)