{this moment}

Posted on August 29th, 2014 by mountain girl  |  7 Comments »

Linking up with SouleMama…a moment from our week.


7 Responses to “{this moment}”

  1. Robin Follette says on :

    It must be wonderful to enjoy the view each day!

    My moment happened on an long dead stump in the woods. http://robinfollette.com/this-moment-mushrooms/

  2. Your Lion says on :

    So happy to be back in the wilderness looking over my kingdom /:0)

  3. Erin says on :

    Lovely. What an amazing place to have a pause.

  4. Mom & Dad says on :

    YUPPERRRR……those veal medium rares look pretty good overlooking the clean fresh air & I bet the family is really happy to have u home !!! Luv u to the moon/mom

  5. mountain girl says on :

    Haha! You made us laugh, Mom. 🙂

  6. Hannah says on :

    🙂 He looks content to be home and checking out everything!

    here is my “moment” http://likemamalikedaughter.blogspot.com/2014/08/this-moment_29.html

  7. Wendy McDonagh-Valentine says on :

    Your view is beyond amazing!!!! Absolutely beautiful!! Have a wonderful weekend!! : )

    ~ Wendy