{this moment}

Posted on April 10th, 2015 by mountain girl  |  11 Comments »

Linking up with SouleMama…a moment from our week.


11 Responses to “{this moment}”

  1. Carley Biblin says on :

    Tee-hee. I love this! A goat in the living room. It reminds me of my friend who also owns goats. She had a goat walking through her kitchen.

  2. mountain girl says on :

    I decided not to show the pic of Valentine skittering across the dining room table. 🙂

  3. Robin Follette says on :

    Never too many (kinds of) kids in the house, eh? Cute!

    I have a look at life in the secluded woods. http://robinfollette.com/hand-pump/

  4. Kim says on :

    Haha, love this, goats in the house, cute! Happy weekend!

  5. Yanic says on :

    Haha! Those goats just kill me… Awesome picture.

  6. Your Lion says on :

    When the Dadda’s away the kids will play!! /:0)

  7. mountain girl says on :

    But the fun only lasts another three days…boo-hoo. 🙁
    (Just kidding!!!)

  8. Mimi says on :

    David took the words right out of my mouth hahaha! It reminds me of the time (I found out years later) that the kids (your bros and sisters) brought Honey the horse into the house while Papa and I were gone for a few hours! Even tried to take her upstairs. Great pic….that must have been fun for everyone with the goats in the house! Love ya, Mimi

  9. mountain girl says on :

    Haha…I remember begging you to bring Morning Star the pony in the house on my birthday! Guess I never really changed, hehe.

  10. Mom & Dad says on :

    Hi honeee… Hee hee Great Memories/ luv u/ mom

  11. Carlin says on :

    Love this picture, definitely made me smile. They are so cute.