dadda’s home

Posted on April 14th, 2015 by mountain girl  |  6 Comments »


David is home–jet-lagged and half awake, but definitely home.  He rocked it out at Masters Golf and was indispensable to his team, as usual. Cool under heavy pressure, his report says.


Right now we’re overjoyed not to have to share his attributes with the world any more (until June).



We went to the school cafeteria today to have lunch with Zia, who had the hardest time of any of us these past 16 days without him.  She had a few meltdowns and missed some school over the past two weeks, but I think things are looking up for her now, with Dadda back and our lives right side up again.


Welcome home!

6 Responses to “dadda’s home”

  1. mountain girl says on :

    cool under pressure, that’s a good one right? musta been lack of sleep that had them dazed! Glad to be home! /:O)

  2. Mom & Dad says on :

    Hi honeeee…..yes, I had to read that one a couple of times, myself….:) glad DL’s home – take a break :)/ luv u / mom

  3. Your Lion says on :

    HA! I left a comment and it posted as you ^^^ up there. Still, I’m happy to be back in your arms /:O)

  4. susan says on :

    So happy for you that your family is all together again.

  5. Rahab says on :

    Welcome home David!

  6. Your Lion says on :

    Thanks Auntie Rae, good to be back in the wilderness!