around here in the wild woods

Posted on February 3rd, 2017 by mountain girl  |  3 Comments »


David is gone for a week and a half, first to Raleigh for three days, then Augusta. He’s getting a new place prepared for the Masters golf tournament in April…I think. I don’t ask too many questions because there are enough things in life I don’t quite comprehend–without throwing networks, switches and routers into the mix.


Here at home, we’re just doing the usual. Feeding goats, baking banana bread, making bone broth, keeping the fire stoked. Cash is currently cutting a piece of Styrofoam into a million tiny pieces with a knife while Zia is making clay animals to sell. I should be carving and painting, but I’m blogging instead. Because I love you. šŸ™‚


Cash and I hopped in the truck yesterday and blazed down Golden Gate Canyon. It was 16 degrees and so beautiful–ice covered everything, creating an amazing winter fairyland.


Work for my shop has been steady since before Christmas. Every spare minute has a place–mostly carving animals, with a little painting thrown in.


These dala horses have been my main project through all of January. They are finished now, except for decorating them. I’m half dreading it, half looking forward to it–but definitely afraid to start. It’s the white elephant/blank canvas effect, I guess. I need to just splatter on a little paint and get started!




Here’s my latest hairdo–just thought I’d throw in a pic, free of charge. I have it trimmed and the roots touched up 4x a year, and that’s when I have it straightened. It’s the only time I let heat touch my hair, but I revel in it and go a full week without washing my curls back to life.


This redwood cord burning box was an order I received the other day–now finished and mailed out. The ivy is painted in shimmery inks.



These are carved animal necklaces I’m working on now on my dining room table.Ā  I’ve added a new, smaller size to my bear totems, and have sold a couple of them so far!


Here’s our kitchen window with some animal carvings hanging to dry. I’ve been getting steady orders for bears, foxes, wolves, and now a pending raccoon. There’s also an eagle waiting in the wings.


Here’s our boy, showing off a banana cake he baked a couple of weeks ago….


and not long afterwards, in the dentist’s chair. He had a baby root canal and almost all of his baby teeth capped. It was a rough time, but he is back to normal and his mouth is healing well.


Zia still has a steady little business among her classmates–taking custom orders for clay animals, sculpting, baking, and painting them. Here is a little Husky dog she made recently.




An here she is cart-wheeling away. Hope you’re having a great February so far!














3 Responses to “around here in the wild woods”

  1. Your Lion says on :

    I love you and miss you my little fur family in the woods, but most of all…. I appreciateya! /:0). Be home real soon, Your Lion

  2. Mimi says on :

    Ohhh.. Little Cash in the dentist’s chair….glad that’s over! The dala horses are so nice…..Expert looking cartwheels Zia is doing there! That photo of your new hair color really shows up nicely – Looks good! Can’t believe Cash baked the banana cake and Zia made a great looking Husky dog – unbelievable! Like the idea of shimmering inks. A nice medium to work with! The pics are gorgeous of the landscapes! Love, Mimi

  3. mountain girl says on :

    Glad you liked the pics! I’m decorating the first dala horse now–can’t wait to show you pics when it’s done! We’re all working inside today with paint, clay, and shrink art but may go to Boulder later to get some sun. šŸ™‚