earthly possessions

Posted on April 13th, 2009 by mountain girl  |  1 Comment »



New toys for Zia. Burr acorns, seashells, gumballs, pine cones, bark & twigs. She and I collected these toys on our strolls through the neighborhood, and in some cases (as with the seashells) on various trips we’ve taken.  We piled them into baskets and put them on the coffee table in the living room to play with daily. (The photos were taken outside simply for better lighting.)



The fact that Zia has helped gather these playthings and seen where they were “manufactured” really seems to heighten her enjoyment of them. She has spent more time sorting, stacking, sniffing, stashing, and of course, scattering them around the house than she has with many of her man-made toys.


(Actually, Mamma is the one who REALLY likes to play!)


Pine cone tower 


Seashell stacks


Bowls of yummy seashell food


A den for a very small bear


Acorn people hiding in the foliage


Dadda in his Mustang


Wheeee…taking Zia for a ride!  

One Response to “earthly possessions”

  1. Your Lion says on :

    Dadda and Z in the stang is awesome!!! Schmoochies to my girlies! I love you both GIGANTICUS! /:O)