a post for grandma

Posted on October 10th, 2016 by mountain girl  |  6 Comments »


My grandma passed away today, at the age of 93.

I have so many good memories of her from when I was little–going to her house to spend the night, going shopping for girly toys and dolls (although I begged for fire trucks, lol), going to the ice cream store on the corner, watching old westerns in the TV room. She would cook for me even when I was older, and coaxed me to eat, eat, eat (“Can’t you eat just a little more?”)  Over the years, I have asked her for so many of her recipes, but my versions never tasted as good as hers. I’m convinced she added a little magical something that never made it onto the recipe pages. When I think of her amazing meatballs, sauce, and “macs” that I grew up with, I feel like an era has ended, and it seems surreal that she is really gone.


Here are my grandparents six years ago with Zia at their house in North Syracuse, NY. This is how I remember them both–happy, healthy, and working hard every day to keep their house, yard, and garden beautiful.


The last time I saw Grandma was at Grandpa’s funeral in May. She had been suffering from Alzheimer’s, and I wasn’t sure if she would know me. It had been about three years since I last saw her. When I told her who I was, she was amazed. “How big you got!” she gasped. I had to laugh, but I was glad she remembered me, even if it was as a toddler.


This is probably how she remembered me, haha. My brother Seth and I are sitting on her counter–I was three and he was four. She had perched us there for a photo, and I’m sure it was a picture of her fresh baked bread as much as it was of us. 🙂


After Grandpa’s funeral, she was wheeled into the nursing home van, munching popcorn. I went around to the side and waved to her until they shut the door. I knew it would probably be the last time I saw her.

A week ago, I was lying in bed half asleep when suddenly an angel stood by my bed, looking down at me. I saw him even though my eyes were closed. He was straight and serious and said nothing, but I knew he came to tell me he was taking Grandma home.


She passed today at 1 pm, five months after her husband of 70 years.

Goodbye, Grandma, until I see you again. I’m so happy to have had a grandma like you! (But heaven has gained a great cook. I’ll bet they’ve never tasted anything like those meatballs.)















6 Responses to “a post for grandma”

  1. Lauryn Parkhurst says on :

    I’m sorry for your loss Mia. I know she’s looking over you just waiting to give you a big hug again. God has her now and im sure shes cooking millions of meatballs in heaven.;)

  2. mountain girl says on :

    Thanks, Lauryn! She’s stacking those meatballs up for me in my mansion (since food never rots up there, of course)! 😉

  3. Appleshoe says on :

    I’m so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful life and way to be remembered.

  4. mountain girl says on :

    Thanks, Mercy!

  5. Mom & Dad says on :

    Hi honeee…. what beautiful pix and memories. Our good thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Luv u/mom

  6. mountain girl says on :

    Thanks, Mom. It’s hard to grasp that she’s really gone after being a part of our lives for so long (and long before I was born!) She and Grandpa definitely left us with lots of happy memories. 🙂