The garden is slowly but surely growing. Our little plot (second from top) is comical with its gigantic tomato cages protecting tiny tomato plants. It’s hard to see, but Zia has one pink petunia blooming there. We have a bumper crop of spinach, and the red romaine, green leaf lettuces, collards and kale are growing like weeds.
I was working in the dirt 2 days ago when a rabbit came hopping over and squeezed right through the wire fence – the one that’s supposed to keep him and his kin out – and sniffed around looking for a tasty treat. I sprayed him very gently with the hose, just to give him the idea that he’s not exactly welcome here.
It feels so good to see tiny seeds bursting into live green plants. Each one is so unique and imperfect in its own way – kind of like us humans. I’m always amazed that those little dead seeds actually work!