a juicy hat and bouquet

Posted on June 2nd, 2011 by mountain girl  |  1 Comment »

In our neck of the woods, April showers brought May showers…all month long. May showers brought days of indoor time, which translates (around here) to lots of knitting, among other things. Thus, this jaunty child’s cap practically flew off the needles.

I know, it’s almost summer. But it’s an orange hat, and a very juicy one at that. And who could resist a juicy orange in late spring?

Besides, knitted hats in warm weather are strangely in style among the younger crowd lately…have you noticed? And this one is cotton, which of course is quite breathable. Besides all that, this is Colorado, where you just wear whatever you want. I rest my case.

Along with the hat came a bouquet of equally juicy flowers, made by Zia. They are very simple to make: cut 2 circles of tissue paper, outline each with glitter glue (we used plain glue and loose glitter) and poke a pipe cleaner through both circles (our pipe cleaners were courtesy of the resident pipe-smoker man). Gather the circles at the bottom and twist, securing with a piece of scotch tape (in our case packing tape – hey, you use what you have).

Your flower is finished, just in time for a bright, sunny, and very juicy June.

One Response to “a juicy hat and bouquet”

  1. jodi says on :

    ummm I’m totally in favor of the orange hat and beautiful flowers. 🙂 We still have quite chilly weather here. Zia seems like she’s a natural artist. 🙂