Archive for the ‘Lion Man’ Category

the day before valentines day

Posted on February 13th, 2014 by mountain girl  |  4 Comments »

On that fateful evening the night before Valentine’s Day, I met him. We were twenty-something: I was looking for my way in a big, lonely world and he was trying to put the pieces of his life back together. He was bold and I was shy, and I evaded him for weeks after that night. […]

happy nine years

Posted on December 1st, 2013 by mountain girl  |  5 Comments »

Happy anniversary to the man I love more than anyone on earth!  You’ve given me the sweetest nine years of my life, and I have so much fun with you.  Tip your hat to another year, cowboy, because we’re one wild adventure in the making.  Let the saga continue–and I’ll be riding shotgun at your […]

happy father’s day

Posted on June 16th, 2013 by mountain girl  |  2 Comments »

I love this photo.  It kind of reminds me of something Norman Rockwell might stage for a painting. Cash does this fake crying face when he catches a glimpse of me…not that he’s a Mama’s boy or anything. This girl, though–she’s mostly a Dadda’s girl.  She helped make him a special chocolate pie, which she […]

he’s home

Posted on April 17th, 2013 by mountain girl  |  3 Comments »

We’re SO glad to have this guy home! We thought he was leaving for 6 days, and it ended up being 16, due to technical problems on the job.  It was a rough trip for him, all the way to making it home in the snowstorm.  Bit of a change coming home from sunny Georgia! […]

waiting for dadda

Posted on April 15th, 2013 by mountain girl  |  6 Comments »

We’ve been waiting–and keeping busy these last days before he finally comes home. Zia wanted so much to plant a garden, but after last year’s short growing season and failed plants, I wasn’t so sure. We’ll start a tiny garden, at least. This boy has grown more hair, learned to eat more foods (turkey and salmon!) […]