Archive for the ‘Lion Man’ Category

snapshots of our week

Posted on September 6th, 2012 by mountain girl  |  9 Comments »

Our week has flown by. In the busyness of taking care of a new baby, homeschooling Zia, and the regular routine of coming down from the mountains on the weekend for groceries, it was great to have a free day–Labor Day! We went to hang out at the creek in Boulder. There’s nothing as exciting […]

happy father’s day

Posted on June 17th, 2012 by mountain girl  |  3 Comments »

Happy Father’s Day to Dadda! Of all the things I love about the guy I married, one of my favorite things is how readily he runs into adventure–of all kinds. He’s not afraid of new and unknown territories. More than that, he’s not afraid of changing and growing and moving forward. He’s always been a […]

birthday boy

Posted on April 7th, 2012 by mountain girl  |  1 Comment »

Our favorite dadda turns 38 today. Although he’s hard at work all day, we’re doing our best to keep him surrounded with a heavenly birthday aura. So far, our aura is made of… Aroma Invigoration. A big bowl of New Mexico-style red chile…so he can make Frito pies to his heart’s content. Taste Delights. Homemade banana pudding […]

valentine letters and a chocolate strawberry tart

Posted on February 14th, 2012 by mountain girl  |  3 Comments »

First, the important news: Zia is learning her letters! It came all in a spurt, and she’s been writing nonstop since Friday, when she got the idea to make some Valentine cards. This one is for Mimi, Papa, and the aunts and uncles in NY. She went from knowing hardly any letters to recognizing all […]

one year stronger

Posted on December 31st, 2011 by mountain girl  |  10 Comments »

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. 2011, that is. I don’t remember much about the first two months of the year, except that between David, Zia, and I, we had an inordinate number of colds, coughs, and sniffles. It was the sort of thing where Zia would catch it, […]