
Posted on March 3rd, 2010 by mountain girl  |  4 Comments »

Today is such a sad day. Last night we learned that my younger sister, who is halfway through her pregnancy, had a bad report after a checkup and sonogram. The baby is not well at all and has a lot of really terrible problems. It doesn’t seem likely that he will survive long after birth.

It’s such devastating news, and it took me all night to even start to process it. We were all really excited about this little baby. It’s a really painful thing for our whole family to deal with, and it’s hard to be halfway across the country from them. But then, I guess it might be even harder to be there.

What do you even do when you get hit with news like this? It seems so cliche to say “just trust in God”, but this gives trusting a whole new meaning. It’s like you’re in a crazy wild storm at sea with no hope of survival, and you’re clinging to the top of the mast while you’re bashed about, and you cling with all that’s in you simply because you have no other hope.

4 Responses to “tears”

  1. Your Lion says on :

    For once your Lion has no words……

    Deep saddness.

    I love you HUGE!

  2. Kaaren Heller says on :

    God is in control and He hears prayer!He loves babies more than we ever could!Let’s keep our eyes on Him!

  3. Sew Create It - Jane says on :


    I just found your blog and was having a read through your old posts when this one caught my attention. I lost a baby part way through pregnancy 2 years ago. My little one had Patau syndrome and wouldn’t have survive long after birth. My thoughts are with your sister and your family…I know it is devastating to get news like this when it should be a happy time. ((hugs))

  4. mountain girl says on :

    Thanks for your kind comment. I’m sorry for the loss of your little one as well. When you go through it yourself, or are close to someone who does, it’s amazing how it helps you care about others who are in the same situation. Somehow compassion takes on a whole new meaning, I think!