happy campers

Posted on July 2nd, 2009 by mountain girl  |  Comments Off on happy campers

Packing up once again – this time going south. South to woods, lake and cabin- and what could be better? Heaven will have a cabin and a lake, I’m sure of it. Nestled amidst the sparkling mansions.

So the house is full of the rustle of getting-ready-ness. A gallon of strawberry-pineapple kombucha, a gallon of fresh raw yogurt infused with cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, fresh coconut and banana. A new jar of papaya chutney. A sack of brown rice, one of potatoes, a jar of coconut oil. The makings for sweet tea. Pillows, of course- lots of pillows.

A bag of books, paints, and paper for mamma and babe. (Have I mentioned she loves making watercolors and reading Richard Scarry?)

Now I’m off to make some new bamboo diapers in the 2 hours we have before rolling. (I admit, potty-training isn’t quite finished…we may need a little improvisation for nighttime!) But it gives me another lovely reason to continue my diaper-making experiments. Which makes me really, really happy.

Almost as happy as going camping!

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