lemon pie for breakfast

Posted on September 26th, 2013 by mountain girl  |  4 Comments »

There was lemon meringue pie this morning, using a recipe from here.

The meringue separated from the filling a little, but overall, the pie set up nicely and wasn’t a bit watery. We used our own crust recipe, since you really can’t beat Grandma’s pie crust.  Zia whisked the filling last night till she groaned that her arm was sore and she was about to fall off the stool. I didn’t hear any complaints this morning, though, when she and David had it for breakfast. The slice missing above is David’s first slice. Caleb was at school already, but I’m sure he’ll have the lion’s share tonight.

And that is my new pie pan.  I was overjoyed to bake a pie in something besides a disposable foil pie tin (for the first time since we’ve been in Colorado).  Woo-hoo!  I am no longer afraid my pie will fold in half when I take it out of the oven.

4 Responses to “lemon pie for breakfast”

  1. Your Lion says on :

    And it was THE bomb! /:O)

  2. Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom says on :

    That sounds like my kind of breakfast!

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  3. Mom & Dad says on :

    hi honeeee……..you r making dad groan and whine and cry 🙁 but it looks pretty yummy 🙂 luv u/mom

  4. Melissa @ Love in Motion says on :

    This looks DELICIOUS. We love lemon anything in our house…gonna have to try this! (maybe even for breakfast!)